Steve Denison
Lead Pastor
Pastor Steve Denison embraced the role as Lead Pastor with his wife Jenny and three children (Rebecca, Ethan, and Jesse) in March 2019. Pastor Steve and his family have a background in youth ministry, worship ministry, and evangelism. Steve's heart is to see the church become the hands and feet of Jesus, where people are saved, delivered, and set free from religious mindsets and transformed into relationship with their Creator.

Linda Enos
Associate Pastor
Pastor Linda's heart is to teach new believers in Christ how to walk in their new God-given nature, to love the Lord with ALL their heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love others as themselves. She also loves to teach the importance of being a student of His word, the Bible. Pastor Linda and her husband, Donny, have served at New Life for over 30 years and have been members since the doors opened in 1991. They have two grown sons and twin granddaughters.

Peter Steinbach
Operations Pastor
Pastor Peter Steinbach was born on October 1 in Lynwood, California, and grew up in a loving family in Gardena and South Gate. At the age of 11, during a transformative experience at Hume Lake Christian Camp, Peter gave his heart to Jesus, a decision that has guided his life ever since. His faith deepened as he grew, and after joining the staff at Calvary Chapel South Bay to assist with Pastor Steve Mays' radio ministry, he felt God calling him to pastoral work. That calling was confirmed in God’s perfect timing, and Peter was ordained as a pastor. Today, Peter serves as the Operations Pastor at New Life Church in Sutter Creek, California, under Pastor Steve Denison. He uses his skills in technology and sound to support the church and steps in to teach whenever needed. Peter is deeply committed to his wife, Alejandra, their three children—Bethany, Isaiah, and Allie—and his father, Edmund. Whether through ministry or his everyday actions, Pastor Peter strives to honor God and serve others with the gifts he has been given.

Anthony Corsaletti
Youth Ministry Leader
Anthony has been serving in youth ministry since he was 15 years old. He has always had a passion and heart for youth and to see them have a deep connection with Jesus. "My goal as the youth leader is to be a leader or role model that I wish I had when I was younger. Our youth group is passionately in love with Jesus and has no problem inviting the Holy Spirit wherever they go! I believe our youth group is about to enter a season of exercising our faith and gifts, to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to change our community, starting with the youth."

Abelina Mejia
Children's Ministry Leader
Abelina has grown up attending New Life since 1994. She majored in dance and history throughout college and became part of a Mexican folklorico dance company in Sacramento in 2004. "I was able to use my experience in ballet and love of working with children to teach ballet classes for the Sacramento Cultural Arts Center and Group Folklorico Rincones de Mi Tierra." She met her husband, Stephone, in college and started their family in Sacramento before joining New Life as a family in 2015. They now have three sons: Alejandro, Daniel, and Miguel. She has been leading "New Life Kids Shine!" since 2019. "It was always most important to me that children get equipped with the word of God and a vocabulary for praise and worship. It’s my heart’s passion for children that they know how to demonstrate God’s love in every challenge or environment they may face and that they understand the strength and power of praise and worship in whatever capacity we are able. For this reason, we all have an opportunity to “be a light for all to see.” (Matthew 5:16)

Dean & Heather Trevaskis
Young Adult Ministry Leaders
Dean and Heather have been serving as Young Adult Leaders since May of 2021. Dean has led many Bible studies and has a gift for teaching and mentorship. Heather has a heart for prayer and has a rich background in prayer ministry. Together, they use their gifts to pour into the young adult community of New Life. Their desire is to be a support system and to see young adults equipped, mentored, and covered in prayer as they step into the calling of God in their lives.

Stephanie Shandel
Worship Ministry Leader
Worship ministry has been an integral part of Stephanie's life since a very young age. Stephanie and her husband Steve have been married since 2013, and they have two beautiful daughters, Emma and Abbie. "My first priority as a worship leader is to minister to the Lord, and through that, allow the Holy Spirit to create an atmosphere where everyone is free to worship and receive from the Lord."

Steve Teravskis
Men's Ministry Leader
Steve has been serving as our Men's Ministry Leader since May of 2022. He and his wife, Jen, have two children, Gabby and Jake. "I am an avid outdoorsman. I love to hunt, fish, camp, and off-road. God used my passion for the outdoors and my heart for Him to create 419 Outfitter's Men's Ministry. The "419" in the name refers to Matthew 4:19. "Follow me, and I'll make you fishers of men." The "Outfitters" portion of the name refers to equipping the men of our church to be ready to fish. 419 Outfitters has a two-fold mission: 1. Go fishing (Fishers of Men); 2. Equip our men with tools to be better husbands, fathers, and Godly men. As a vital part of equipping our men, we will seek to build meaningful relationships within our group through discipleship and mentorship."

Sarah Christian
Women's Ministry Leader
Sarah has been serving as Women's Ministry Leader since May of 2022. In 2010, Sarah married her husband, Aaron. Together, they have two sons, Noah and Ezra. "My vision for this ministry is for our women to become unified and intentionally bonded together so when the enemy comes to destroy, we can stand ready and remain steadfast on His truth and press on fearlessly and with unshakeable faith."