How it all started
New Life was founded in March of 1991, at which time it was called Victory Life Church. Two years later, another community of believers merged with Victory Life and together they embraced their new identity as New Life Christian Center. The church quickly became anchored in the community and was known for loving people from all walks of life and all age groups in a manner that lead them to faith in Jesus Christ. Recently, the name of the church was changed from New Life Christian Center to New Life. Here at this church, there are many hearts changed, and given new life in Christ Jesus!

Where we are today
Today, New Life is focused on bringing people to Christ. We value the commandments that Jesus teaches in the book of Matthew. To first love God with all our heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37). To love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:39), and to go make disciples (Matthew 28:19). The heart of New Life can be summed up in these three commandments.
Be a part of our story
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:00 am!